new taste....

firstly ak nk ckp lps bce blog ni...
* jgn glak smpi guling2..
* jangn kutuk aku...
* jgn bgi komen pelik2...hahahaha...

ak kan x mnat lagu jiwang2 ni...tibe2 mlm ni dgn rse sparuh sdar ak pung tkan pk cik google tekan 4shared...
ko tau ak donlod lagu per?? IWAN..knal???iwan yg nyanyi lagu dangdut....
   yang lagu die cm ni...ehem..ehem..."andainya mata hari terbit dri baratku...x akan goyah cntaku kpada mu..."
WEH!!!!!!sjak bile lak ak mnat die slah abg ensem kat kdi komputer la...!!hensem sgt..smpi ak un cair..hahahaha..gatai gilak hang ni!!ak pnah dgr lagu 2 mase nk blik umah nek bas..

ni la metrobus yang ak sslu nek klu blik umah... bkn bas dlm cite skyhigh.."nmpak beno kamu ni mnipu kak limah oi..."..hahhahha..kantoi suda..
dlm bas ni la ak TER dgr lagu c iwan 2...tajuk die...FANTASI MUSIM CINTA...lpas dgr lagu 2 ak jdik tepesone lak...eee yerk!!haha..tpi ak mcm x layn sgt..sbb mabok dalm bas... gamba org mabok kepayang...(salah gamba da..)

hahaha..sah!!la kau angau kat abg komputer 2...mase ak dtg kat kdi 2 abg 2 bg senyum yg pling hot..(bgi ak la..)

tpi idong abg 2 x mcm die eh..

hahahah..pastu ak pun smpi kan la hajat ak kat die..then,,kite org betukar2 pndapt..cewahhh!!hahahah..bnyk la abg 2 share...ambik kos tesel lak 2...bgos!!skali mse2 kite org bual abg 2 pun pasang la lagu 2...ak pun teringt la blik saat ak mabok kat dlm bas smpi dgr lagu ala2 dangdut+karat....

dengn sepants kilat ak terus minat lagu 2...shhuuufff!!!!!!!!!!!

padehal ak bru sdar lagu 2 bile da nk abes..

hehehehhe...x pasal2 ak layan lagu 2 mlm2...dengan adek ak skali layn..mle2 glak...las skali.."download la kak"..huh..

                 sebenarnye ak just nk smpi kan yang ak da pandai layan lagu karat n sebenar2 benarnye ak da jatoh ati kat abg 2....ABG!!SAYE SKE ABG LA....hahahaahah..bongok prove tau...abg 2 kate adek jgn delete movie ni tau..nti blik kite tuka2...nk??hahahah..cnfem bsok ak g lagi tesco..hahaaha
abg..ambek la..saye bgi...(gedik seh!)..




   now everyone r talking about their result....tahniah la kpde yg dapt dekan n 3 above...
tpi malangnye ak tidak seindah mereka.....ak btul2 kiciwa sama ak pnye result....tdak sperti yg ak harap kan...
hilang smagt ak nk msuk sem bru....betambah tension lagi bile tgk mke2 yg dekan...
ape lah nk jdik ngn ak ni,,,,pointer 3 above un x lpas....

home sweet home!!!

                          yeah yeah ak da blik...!!!
                                  bnyk bende yg ak rindu.....
      1. katil ak....
         da lame ak x tdo kat tilm ak...asik tdo kat tilm uitm 2 jer...da la bks
         sape2 tah...HAHAAH
      2.of cose mama n ayah....
        mak...da lme x mkn mskkn mak ni..cpat la mask..lapa ni... little chicky sister  (comey x??)

     4. my schoolmate..
        tika..esah..raje..zira..aztika...!!!!!!!!!!!!rndu weh kat korg sume..
        bile nk stat meronggeng ni..hahahaha

                  hakikat yg ak pling x nk ak dgr adalh
                     taun dpan ak da stat
                   blik dalm PENJARE 2...
                        x nak la weh....!!!


                              nun yang pemalas  !!!!!!!!

         lagi 2 ari ak nk abes final ak leh x study...pemals nye ak ni,....g tgk cte ngarut2...mmg x msuk la kat otak...hahahaha...

    knp ak pmls sgt nk bce bku walhal ak tau  MAT 210 itu sngt la payah dan sush..but u didn't put an effort.... ne nk dekan ni...

                  SUMPAH AK MLS NK STUDY WEH!!!!!!!!!!

new life....

             chaaak!!!testing...testing....sbnrnye ak nk cte psl hidop ak kat sni...pade hal da nk abes sem da....
sbb bru wat bolg....e2 un ssb study..klu x smpi abes sem un ak x de blog....kat sni bnyk bnd yg ak dapt...first skali semestinye kne pish ngn parents...walaupun ak pure2 tabah hakikatnye ak sengsare..wah!!!hahahaha...smmgu klu tpn mak confem ujan.. tapi la ni tpn mak da steady pahehehe..kat sni ak dapt kwn bru...ramai sgt ak dapt...mcm2 perngai ak jmp..yg x de kat zmn skola un ade...ade yg terlebh aktif...mcm badk2...ade yg sgt pasif...diam je...plik tol mmat 2 ak tgk...tapi akaun di meletOp...gram la plak ak tgk..yg x leh than..ak ngn dak 2 prmpn otw nk bllik la mmat ni...kite org sape die...
die leh wat mke cam pondan!!!bapk klaka...klah azwan..(sory)...alhamdulilah ak x de mslh bab kawn ni..they r always be side with me..tpi adat la klu kdng2 2 ade mslh...di sebbabkan ak ni x brp nk pndi terutme dlm subjeck cs...ak kerap kli d tglkn...tpi x brp nk kerap gak...kdng2 jerk...jdik pde mse e2 ak hrus la mncri kwn yg setaraf ngn ak supue ak tdk dtertgl...kadng2 terse gak..tpi ak kne trime hakikat kne la lbh berushe supya nk sme tarf ngn die org...4 my fellow frend...ak x mrh korng un...i'm happy with u all...selain kwn...ak kne struggle un hidup sndri..(perg!!!ayat mcm die lak crik rezki)KAHKAHKAH..sllu kat rumh mak da tlg msk..lauk sume sdap2..kat sni da kne trun g crik mknn...da la dduk tngkt 4..jenuh ak nk trun nek...krus x jgk...yg pling ketare skali mse bln pose...klu dlu celik mte...TING..mkn da ni..ak plak kne celik mate g crik mknn...da 2 ble buke kne rebut2 kat bazr..bzar da seciput je bsrnye..nk tampOng 1 uitm...mne la ckup..then bile raye...dpat rye smmgu je...perg..sedih len dapt g opn house...ak sorg2 kat blik...cite pasl blik..roomate ak sume ok...
     even dieorg org klantan x de la hidup ber puak sgt.....sgt rapt bersme...rse sdih plak bile nk abes sem ni...
tdi bru smbt besday sorg roomate ak..happy sgt...calit2 kek kat mke...smpi kne mrh ngn dak aras ak...sengal tol!!bkn ak wat ape un..bru 12.30..da kecoh2...bla r...tpi ak mls nk lyan...lagi ak bsing ade la...ak bayar tau dduk kat kompleks 2....hahahaha...
   sah ak mmg dgil...bkn sllu un...last but not least..ak seronk idup kat u even ari2 ngungut pnat jln...ha!!1 hal lagi lpe nk ckp..sal la uitm jengke ni bsr sgt...jaoh btl nk g kls...pls mantap kn lagi prasarana eh..huhuh

                    ok bye..mate da ngtok..nk titun.....




1. Sherlock Holmes is a brave and brilliant detective. This is because he has knowledge and  the feels that he want to explore of the forensic science skills to solve that case and also his ability to plays as a good doctor in this movie

2. Dr. Watson one of the main characters. He was the Holmes' best friend and assistance.
Watson is described as a crack shot and an excellent doctor and surgeon. Highly intelligent,
 if lacking in Holmes's insight, he serves as a perfect foil for Holmes: the ordinary man against
 the brilliant,emotionally-detached analytical machine.

3. Irene Adler  is a pretty and intelligent lady.Plus, she is brave to faced the difficult situation that hard for
  women to handle. 

    Finally, I like the ending of this story because I would know the trick and solutions thatt had use by Holmes.
The ending also tell the audience that case of Lord Blackwood did not died. This movie is really interested and



Quiz on Subject-Verb Agreement [Logo]

Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence. Don't use the HINT buttons unless you really need them.
1.  Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator ____ going to have to make a decision.

You're right! When subjects are connected by or, the subject closer to the verb (which is, in this case, singular) determines the number of the verb.

2.  ______ my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this grievance?

You're right! Again, the subject closer to the verb (my boss) determines the number of the verb.

3.  Some of the votes __________ to have been miscounted.

You're right! Some is the subject in this sentence; it is plural because the word votes makes it a countable indefinite pronoun.

4.  The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring _____ more than just a nuisance.

You're right! The subject is tornadoes. You were not confused by the words and phrases that came between the subject and its verb.

5.  Everyone selected to serve on this jury _____ to be willing to give up a lot of time.

You're right! Everyone! seems to be a plural word, but it is always singular.

6.  Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, _________ a formidable opponent on the basketball court.

The subject here is Kara Wolters (singular). The subject is not compounded by phrases such as along with, together with, and as well as.

7.  He seems to forget that there __________ things to be done before he can graduate.

You're right! The subject (things, in this case) comes after the verb in constructions that begin with here or there.

8.  There _______ to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood.

You're right! The subject is people, which is plural, and that determines the verb (not the word there).

9.  Some of the grain __________ to be contaminated.

Some is the subject of this sentence and, since it is not really countable (you can't count the grain), it is singular.

10.  Three-quarters of the students __________ against the tuition hike.

You're right! Three quarters of the students represents a countable number.

11.  Three-quarters of the student body __________ against the tuition hike.

You're right! Three quarters of the student body represents a lump sum, a singular entity.

12.  A high percentage of the population _________ voting for the new school.

You're right! "Percentage" is a mathematical proportion, expressing here a singular lump sum.

13.  A high percentage of the people _________ voting for the new school.

You're right! "Percentage" is a mathematical proportion, but here it reflects a countable, therefore plural, quantity.

Results: 11 Correct -- 2 Wrong -- 0 Skipped


    miss....i had done the synopsis abaout the novel....charmed season i just do the character that related with me...

     Began the series as the middle sister and became the oldest after Prue's death. In the beginning, Piper's power was the ability to "freeze" people and objects, but advanced in the third season and she gained the power of molecular combustion – causing explosions. Piper was shy and submissive when Charmed first aired, but has gradually developed a much more assertive personality, especially after Prue's death. Piper usually had to keep the calm between Prue and Phoebe as the middle sister, Piper is also identified as the sister who longs most for a "normal" life although she accepts her duties. She struggled with Prue's death the most and had trouble in accepting both Prue's death and Paige. Piper eventually moved on and has since built a strong bond with Paige as her sister Her hands were already too full with magical issues, demons and warlocks trying to kill her husband, sons, and sisters, being wanted by the evil side for her powers, and having to deal with personal losses, especially the death of Prue. While she has had the least amount of romantic interests of the four female leads, Piper has also had the longest-running relationship, a forbidden love with Whitelighter Leo Wyatt. Despite many conflicts, Piper finally married Leo on a third attempt to do so, and gave birth to three children; Wyatt, Chris and Melinda Halliwell. Piper became a popular fan favorite during the series run.
    The character that related with me is in relationship with my best friend I always be in the middle of them, means always besides them when they have a problem and solve their problem. The character that I never get is ‘freeze ‘ people which done by Piper. So the character of Piper make me love and interested with her. If I can freeze people its feel like ‘reward’ from god. I can freeze the people that doing a bad things. Next, the character that I like about her is yhe spirit of her when she struggled with Prue’s death. This feeling I can feel when the first time that I had to separate with my parents to further my study.

            That all miss…muaahh..hehe